Numbers 1-5:
Numbers 1 through 5 are formed by using “Ka” (arms-side hand):
Kai (1)
Kae (2)
Kao (3)
Kau (4)
Ka (5)
Numbers 6-10:
Numbers 6 through 10 are formed by using “ʃa” (shield-side hand):
ʃai (6)
ʃae (7)
ʃao (8)
ʃau (9)
ʃa (10)
Numbers 11-50:
Numbers 11 through 50 are created by combining the word for 10 (“ʃa”) or 5 (“Ka”) with the basic numbers.
For example, 11 (Kaikai) is “Kai” (1) followed by “Kai” (1), and 15 (Kaika) is “Kai” (1) followed by “Ka” (5). This pattern continues through 50.
Numbers 51-100:
The numbers 51 through 100 continue the pattern, starting with 51 (Kaʃai) to 100 (Kaiʃap).
Multiples of 100 (100, 200, 300, etc.):
“ʃap” is the morpheme for 100.
200 (Kaeʃap), 300 (Kaoʃap), and so on, are formed by prefixing “ʃap” with the basic numbers.
Thousands and Beyond:
“Ap” multiplies the previous number by 10.
1,000 is represented as “Kaiʃapap” (100 x 10).
Larger numbers like 10,000 (“Kaiʃapʃap”) are formed by repeating the morpheme for 100 and adding “ap” as necessary.
Large Numbers:
For extremely large numbers, the system uses multiplication and addition of these basic components to construct any number.
For instance, kaiʃapʃapʃapkaoʃapapkaʃapkae (1,050,302) would be broken down into its components kaiʃapʃapʃap kaoʃapap kaʃap kae (1,000,000 + 50,000 + 300 + 2) and represented accordingly in Hadokai Tubatonona.